The Fastest Rollers?
I added a little more to the Jump (and roller/drain) Design page by exploring the Brachistochrone and its application for rollers (more):
The Fastest Rollers? Read More »
I added a little more to the Jump (and roller/drain) Design page by exploring the Brachistochrone and its application for rollers (more):
The Fastest Rollers? Read More »
tick populations and the risk of Lyme disease can be cut substantially by maintaining the deer population below about 10 deer per square mile. When the population is below four deer per square mile, even the secondary effects of climate change become irrelevant to Lyme risk. Yet, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
A “straightforward way to curtail the spread of Lyme disease…” Read More »
I’ll grant that the perspectives and experiences are different when walking versus running or riding, but they are not exactly without similarities and a sense of feeling good, or well being. This essay at Medium’s Human Parts claims “Walking is medicine — it cures anxiety, sparks inspiration, and brings us back to ourselves… the beauty
Why Long Walks [rides, and runs] Will Change Your Life Read More »
There’s a whole field of mathematics that studies knots, to explore abstract properties of idealized curves. “But that’s not what you care about if you are, for example, a sailor or a climber and you need to tie something which holds,” says Vishal Patil, a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology whose new
The basic concept of the mile originated in Roman times. The Romans used a unit of distance called the mille passum, which literally translated into “a thousand paces.” Since each pace was considered to be five Roman feet—which were a bit shorter than our modern feet—the mile ended up being 5,000 Roman feet, or roughly
Why Are There 5,280 Feet in a Mile? Read More »
Not sure where to begin or what to say. The trail program I participated in with the Thórsmörk Trail Volunteers was exceptional. The program and the setting are hard to put into words. At a later date I’ll try to say what the photos below don’t convey. is coordinated by Iceland’s Forest Service (Skógræktin).
Iceland 2019- Trail Team and MTB Journey Read More »
Well, exercise really And consider these mushrooms too:
This is Your Brain on Trails Read More »
The wheel is a ring…The Fellowship of the Wheel project and ethos represents what goes on in many similar organizations/communities throughout the world. Maybe there is one near you to join (or not). Or maybe your area needs a similar “fellowship” that you can start with others. Many groups can be found at this Singletracks
Fellowship of the Wheel Read More »
Hopefully testing does indeed get better: There is a yet another tick-borne illness to add to the list: Powassan If you are in NY, an Upstate lab tests ticks for diseases — for free: For more information on tick safety and Lyme literate doctors on Trailism see this.
Lyme Disease Diagnosis Read More »